Trusted Children’s Dentist in Adelaide

Royal Park Dental • Children's Dental Care

Frequent dental visits can make all the difference in a child's overall development. Apart from being able to identify any early issues with growth patterns and cavities, a children's dentist in Adelaide can help your child develop healthy oral habits that will result in a beautiful smile that can last a lifetime. We understand that visiting the dentist can be a scary experience, but with the help of our team and top-grade facilities, we'll ensure you and your child experience a comfortable and stress-free dental visit every single time.

RPD Childrens Dental Care

What is the value in bringing my young toddler to a kids dentist?

Oral hygiene is important in early years, to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Children should start to visit the dental practice from about 1 or 2 years of age, so bring them along with you to your check-ups. The aim of the visits is to familiarise them with the surroundings and make them feel comfortable well before any dental check up or treatment is required.

Our team understands that the first appointment should be fun and pleasant with the aim for your child to return. The first visit involves riding in the dental chair, counting teeth and chat with parents regarding oral hygiene for their children. With regular visits, our dentist can detect any dental problems in their very early stages and provide any necessary treatment, before the problems developing, which will require more complex dental treatment.

Kids Oral Health Therapists

  • Put your child to bed without a bottle if still bottle feeding.
  • If your child uses a dummy do not put anything sweet on it. Rinse dummies under water only.
  • Children up to the age of 17 months do not need toothpaste. Clean with soft brush or cloth twice daily.
  • From ages 18 months to five years use a pea size amount of low fluoride children’s toothpaste.
  • Everyone six years and older can use a pea size amount adult toothpaste.
  • Once a month, life your child’s top lip to check for early signs of decay. The beginning of tooth decay appears as white lines near the gum line that cannot be removed by daily brushing.
Childrens Dental Care
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Is my child eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Scheme?

Child Dental Benefit Schedule is also known as CDBS. It is introduced to assist families in accessing preventive dental care and general dental treatments. Eligible CDBS children can access dental treatments in public and private dental clinics. With CBDS, keeping your child’s teeth healthy is easier and Royal Park Dental welcomes children under this CBDS.


Royal Park Dental Adelaide accepts - all health funds

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Royal Park Dental Adelaide accepts - all health funds